Career Change
Are you longing for a career change but don't know where to start?
I get it. I spent years working my way up the corporate ladder as an accountant. Getting promoted to 'vice president' level at one of the biggest investment banks in the world felt bitter sweet. It felt so good to be recognised, rewarded and respected but it also felt like my feet were being cemented into place. Although I had often dreamed of a career change, the stakes now felt higher. Leaving an entry level job was one thing. Leaving a high paying job, and one that I was good at, sounded crazy to my logical and reasoning mind.
After having kids, it felt like the stakes were even higher. And they were. There were now childcare costs to take into account. Starting at the bottom in another profession made absolutely no sense. I was in my late 30's, had done the hard yards to prove myself and felt like I could work in cruise control mode until my kids were older.
My head got that memo.
My heart didn't.
My heart would say "I wish I'd gone into psychology". My head would quickly retort "too late for that now. You've made your choices. No time for whining, just get on with it."
My heart would say "oooh I loved writing when I was younger. Imagine being a writer!". My head would scoff and say "yeah, right. Who ever made a living out of art? Keep on dreaming."
This conversation would have carried on forever but at some point it dawned on me that nothing would change if I changed nothing.
And so I started somewhere. I had always come alive when teaching others at work so I did a 6 month evening course that meant I could teach accounting & finance subjects. After that, I took on a part time evening gig teaching corporate finance. I soon learned it wasn't for me, I loved teaching but wasn't passionate about the subject. I started a psychology degree and it was fascinating! But I only really loved the forward focused area of positive psychology. So I gave myself permission to change direction and keep following my curiosity.
And that's when I found coaching and coaching found me.
And guess what I bring to it?
Award winning coaching
Awesome knowledge around money and business (thank you accounting career)
A love of teaching
A deep interest in psychology and mindset
Motherhood - also known as leadership (before it was rebranded by the patriarchy to mean sacrifice/martyrdom)
Start somewhere. Anywhere! Follow your curiosity and it will all make sense at some point in the future. It's never too late and you can do it around the edges of your existing job.
It's time to start feeling alive, aligned and abundant. If not now, when?