Time is feeling stretchy, bendy and multi-dimensional right now.
Are you feeling it too?
It feels like I am simultaneously occupying my teenage self, my 42 year old self and my 80 year old self.
I'm witnessing it in friends and clients. Women in their 30s and 40s being drawn towards the wisdom of women in their 50s. Women in their 50s circling back to themselves and reclaiming what they wanted for their lives decades earlier, before the pressure of building and maintaining an ever-upward trajectory in life kicked in.
I'm receiving coaching from incredible women who are younger than me and they take my breath away every time. Sometimes I want to sit at the feet of my children with a notebook and write down all the things they say. They carry so much wisdom. They haven't yet unlearned all the knowing they came into this world with.
On any one day, I can flow between asking my 80 year old self which path I should take next and painting my nails aqua blue & dancing around the kitchen to tweeny pop tunes. It's like I'm starring in my own version of Back to the Future. It's wild. And I love it.
Life doesn't have to move up, up, up in a linear way. Stepping off the path you are currently on, or even doing a complete u-turn does not signify failure. Spiralling back to yourself, your dreams, your life of simple abundance, your child-like knowing, your crone-like wisdom.....perhaps that's where the true gold lies?
Where does that up, up, up line end anyway? It never ends. There are always more levels to climb. There is always a feeling of not being 'there' yet, wherever 'there' is. But what if your journey was inwards? What if you were to spiral back to yourself again and again and again? That feeling of coming home to yourself, to your real self before the world told you who to be?
A homecoming. That feels like a destination to me.