Sacred Pause.

There’s a lot of incoming information to process in the world at the moment. And a lot of internal information to process too with all the shifting seasons, identities, desires and feelings in our own personal lives.

It can feel like a lot to navigate. And if you’re in a particularly busy season of life, whatever that looks like for you (for me it’s mothering my sons and daughter as they step over the threshold into their teenage years), it can feel challenging to find the time to tune back into our souls to hear its whispers.

We’ve been taught to think and strategise our way to our next steps in life but that’s only part of the picture. And often it leads to creating a life that might look good on the outside, because our thoughts and desires have been shaped by societal versions of success, but it doesn’t feel good on the inside. I’ve been there, and it felt hollow at best.

What we forget is that we’ve been gifted with an incredible life navigation system – our own internal GPS – that gives us the exact directions to wherever we want to go in life. But we need to get still and quiet enough to hear that inner guidance, to hear the whispers of our soul. And that can be pretty tricky to do in our noisy world.

That’s why I created Sacred Pause, now in its second year of running. We gather on a call each fortnight over a 2 month period to tap into our soul’s whispers and divine wisdom. There’s a potent blend of tarot cards and coaching with an occasional dash of journaling and meditation.  We share our stories, soak up each others’ wisdom and go back into our lives feeling nourished on a soul level. Our internal GPS does a route-recalculation and we know what our next step is from here.

We’re soon to embark on a deliciously fresh round of Sacred Pause, starting on 21 July and it would be such a joy and honour to hold space for you there. This is the place where we get to press pause on our busy lives and tend to our souls. You are so loved and welcomed exactly as you are.

The cost for the 2 month experience (5 gatherings in total) is $230 and we explore our inner landscape in a small group of 5 or 6. As a deep thinking, big hearted human, feeling cosy and intimate is important to me.

Sacred Pause is a feeling of church/temple, without the hang ups of religion. Sitting in sacred space + plugging into the Universe and ourselves each fortnight. A regular date with the divine.

Expect reverance + irreverance.

We go deep but don't take ourselves too seriously. There's divinity in those deep belly laughs too. A soul nourishing mix of meditation, tarot cards, journaling, coaching, sisterhood.

This is the place where we get to press pause on our busy lives and tend to our souls. You are so loved and welcomed exactly as you are.


Our Gatherings

Our gatherings take place over zoom so you can join us from wherever you are. Our calls go for around 90 minutes, starting at 7:30pm AEST (Sydney time) on:

  • Thurs 21 July 2022

  • Thurs 4 August 2022

  • Thurs 18 August 2022

  • Thurs 1 September 2022

  • Thurs 15 September 2022

I am so looking forward to gathering and sitting in sacred space with you.