Money Beliefs


This might be the thing that’s holding you back from living a truly abundant life.....

After an excruciating wait, we were finally able to see our 7 year old daughter and hold her hand. She was groggy and disoriented after the general anaesthetic. It was so unnerving to see our baby fighting off the drug-induced sleep but gratitude was coursing through our veins too. The surgery had gone well, the hardest bit was done and now we could focus on her recovery. After a few minutes, she began to perk up. And then she remembered how hungry she was after having fasted for most of the day before the surgery. She couldn't believe her luck when the nurse popped a tray in front of her. It was laden with a huge and delicious looking warm blueberry muffin. Her eyes feasted on it first and then she began eating it. Tentative nibbles to begin with, slowly building up to her normal pace. It was heavenly.

And then she threw up.

For years afterward, she refused to eat blueberry muffins. She was convinced that it was the blueberry muffin that had made her sick. It had actually been the general anaesthetic that had made her sick but in her young mind, she had connected the blueberry muffin with throwing up and it felt so true and so real for her that it lodged in her young mind as fact.

What has this got to do with living an abundant life?

We all carry our own versions of blueberry muffins (money muffins?!) that block us from living an abundant life. Here are some common ones:

  • money equals hard work - this belief may see you blocking yourself from earning money doing something easy that you love doing

  • earning money equals handing it over to your parents (because they didn't have enough when you were a kid) - this belief may show up as you spending or giving most of your money away as an adult because it feels unsafe to have excess cash

  • being rich equals being arrogant, greedy and selfish - this belief may result in you blocking money from flowing into your life because who wants to be THAT person?

  • you can't be wealthy AND be of service - this belief may leave you feeling trapped in a cycle of undercharging or giving away your services for free

My daughter does eat blueberry muffins now. We created new evidence for her brain to understand that it was never the blueberry muffin's fault to begin with.

And that is exactly what I do with my clients every day. It was never the money's fault. And once your brain sees evidence of that, it's going to open the floodgates and allow the abundance in.

Are you ready to start living an abundant life?


When You’ve Worked Hard to Get Here


Am I Being Irresponsible?