Spirituality & Money
We live in a society that would have us believe that spirituality and money exist at opposite ends of the spectrum, that we have to choose which one we align ourselves with and forsake the other.
When I speak of spirituality, I don’t just mean doing yoga and meditation.
Spirituality refers to the feeling of soul-joy. For me, listening to music that lights a fire in my soul or going on a wintery coastal walk or laughing uncontrollably around the dinner table with my family feels as much of a spiritual experience as yoga & meditation.
Spirituality is about feeling connected to the spark of your spirit or soul or inspired self. You get to define what that looks like for you.
Feeling like you have to make a choice between your spirit and money shows up differently for all of us. It might look like:
choosing a high status & well-paying career even though it feels like every workday is another step in the direction away from your soul
being a yoga teacher, healer or coach who struggles with money
not allowing yourself to spend on things that would light up your soul, even though you have the money to do it, because it would be ‘frivolous’
buying things that make you look good to others – the fancy house, car or clothes – even though your excitement is short lived & it leaves you feeling a little hollow afterwards
not feeling vibrant, alive & joyful because the latest news story is filled with dire predictions that have you feeling anxious & on edge.
There are so many ways in which we give our power away to money every single day.
But what if we were to feel really grounded in who we are and what lights us up and then let money be the conduit to allow us to feel into even more of that? What if feeling abundant in spirit was the key to allowing even more abundance into our bank accounts?
We’ve been sold a story that spirituality and money exist at opposite ends of the spectrum but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Spirituality is about feeling rich on the inside.
Money is about feeling rich on the outside.
If you believe that you have to feel rich on the outside FIRST before you can feel rich on the inside, you’re in for a hard landing my friend. I’ve worked amongst some super wealthy people in the investment banking world and have seen and experienced that hard landing for myself. You can absolutely be super wealthy AND feel rich on the inside. I’m referring to the belief that being wealthy is a pre-requisite to feeling good, which it is not.
True richness is an inside job. It starts in your heart and radiates out from there. But if you believe that you have to renounce money in order to feel rich on the inside, you are also making a choice that you don’t have to make. Money has the power to elevate your choices about the way you live and how you consciously circulate it around your community and the world.
Allowing money to elevate you, rather than define you, is where true money power is found.