Trust in Easy


"Perhaps I should be suspicious of the things that feel hard and trust in the things that feel easy....."

This was a realisation that only dawned on me recently when working with my own coach (yes, coaches have coaches too!).

Our culture celebrates HARD work, striving, swimming upstream and succeeding against all the odds. I fell for it hook, line and sinker and worked my little heart out for years. I internalised the message that things are only worth having if they're hard to get and involve a lot of effort to achieve them.

I became suspicious of things that came to me easily and sometimes even passed them over in favour of working HARD to achieve the same thing. Without realising it, I was getting in my own way.

Believing that money can only come to you through HARD work is a common money block. Do you have it too? Are you subconsciously limiting the flow of abundance to you because you think you can only achieve it through your blood, sweat and tears?

I recently hesitated over signing a document that would allow a large and unexpected sum of money to be deposited into my retirement account. I couldn't figure out why I was hesitating and why I could feel my heart beating so quickly. After all, this was what I had been manifesting! And then I realised it was my old money block coming up again. My old belief that money could only come to me if I worked HARD for it. And this money had come so easily.

And that was when my new mantra was born. "Be suspicious of the things that feel hard and trust in the things that feel easy".

I still work. But the truth is that so much more abundance flows through to me when I do INSPIRED work rather than HARD work.

That's a hard pill to swallow when you've been taught the value of hard work all your life, isn't it? But oh, the magic that happens when you start unwinding your old conditioning is just that. It's magic. You just need to be brave enough to try it.


When Less Is More


Manifesting Abundance